
My Experience at Victoria's Secret

By Unknown - 7:34 AM

One of my favorite days of the year comes in December when everything is beautiful and sparkly on CBS. The lights, music, and beautiful models featured on the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show has captivated me for as long as I can remember. I believe it was in 2012 when the ladies wore bright pink bedazzled robes that I absolutely lusted for. Unfortunately, within a couple hours, the robes were sold out. This year, when I saw the all bedazzled sequin sweatshirt and black and metallic bra top I knew that it would rocket to the top of my Christmas list. Little did I know that the sweatshirt cost a whopping $200 (ouch!). However, my mom, being the amazing woman that she is, purchased it for me as a last minute gift two days before Christmas. Yesterday we attending the semi annual sale and saw the same exact sweatshirt for $95. To say we were extremely upset is an understatement. However, my mom then taught me something I didn't know before. If you purchase an item full price at Victoria's Secret and it suddenly goes on sale, you have up to 14 days to receive a refund and get the item at a lower price. Of course, you need to save your receipt. Watching my mom get credited the extra $105 in VS was a relief. The lady on the phone was so extremely nice and understanding. Victoria's Secret really does have its customer service down pat. So here's my advice, before making a huge purchase, ask a worker if they know if it will be marked down soon. Usually they will be extremely honest. Can't wait? Save the receipt and keep checking online and instores to see if the price drops.  Remember, you only have 14 days to return the item. Thanks VS for being so awesome!
Infinite x's and o's,

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