
Kylee's Kaleidoscope

By Unknown - 7:16 AM

Kylee's Kaleidoscope

The Way I See It : Valentine's Day

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So, Valentine's Day is coming up and you're either really excited or really over it. Whatever the case may be, it's coming and it's coming fast. Some people roll their eyes whenever the 14th of February approaches. I am not one of those people. I am a born and raised hopeless romantic with a soft spot for Valentine's Day. It is my grandparent's anniversary (it doesn't get more romantic than that). Everything is pink and red and soft and smells like heaven. Boys are on their extra best behavior and girls are getting treated like princesses. Walking through the hallways of  high school,  I didn't go ten minutes without someone handing someone else a rose or a stuffed animal. The look on the face of someone receiving these gifts was priceless. That's why I love it.
Many people complain that if you really love someone, you treat them right 365 days of the year. I completely agree. However, taking one day out of the year to simply celebrate a little extra love makes me fuzzy inside (I told you I'm a hopeless romantic). We celebrate birthdays and Christmas and Flag Day, why not mark a day on the calender for a little extra thoughtfulness?
So when Valentine's Day approaches take a deep breath. If you love the holiday, celebrate. I will be pregaming the holiday by watching all of my favorite Rom-Coms the entire week leading up to the day marked with hearts on my calender. On the day of, I'll be attending a wedding of my best friends mom with all of the people I love the most. And if you totally think it's a cheap attempt of anti-feminist consumerism, well, also take a deep breath. Because for most people, Valentine's Day isn't just another day, it's a holiday. It's a day that is special and marked with gestures of love both big and small.
 No matter what your Facebook relationship status is, remember that Valentine's Day is a day to spoil your loved one, your best friends, or yourself. It's another opportunity to show the people in your life that you love them. And what's better than that?
Infinite x's and o's,

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