5 Things to Pack for Your Freshman Year (that you didn't even think about)
By Unknown - 6:23 AM

The transition from high school to college is hectic, especially if you're moving away from home and dorming at school. In the frenzy of shopping for everything from dorm bedding to clothes to go out in, some of the very essential things that you need in school never even cross your mind. But don't fret! Some of them are listed right here.
1. Tool Kit
Computers. Televisions. Gaming Systems. We rely heavily on our electronics as unwinders for our crazy lifes. During my Spring semester, I brought a new television for my room that I had gotten for Christmas. While my dad was setting it up, he realized that he needed a screwdriver to set it up! Make sure you always have one on hand, because you never really know what could happen. This one from Office Candy has everything you could possibly need, including a flashlight, side cutter, long nose pliers, 3 ft. tape measure, slot screwdriver, screwdriver bits set and socket. Plus, it's small enough to tuck into a desk drawer. Order yours on http://shrsl.com/?~658r and use code 10117 for 10% off!
2. Cleaning Supplies
As much as I love living in the dorms, it can get extrememly frustrating sharing a bathroom with fifteen other girls. Things that I used to get yelled at for when I was little, like not rinsing out the sink after I brush my teeth, have become my biggest pet peeves. Because of this, I strive to keep my room as clean as possible. To do this, I do laundry and clean every single Sunday. I wash my windows and mirrors, scrub my floors, clean my desk, re-organize my backpack, and do my sheets. Because of this, I run through cleaning supplies like it's no one's business. The funny thing is, when I moved in in August, I didn't bring a single cleaning item! I'll post more about this later in the week!
3. A Professional Dress

When I moved in, my entire wardrobe basically consisted of sweatpants. After being forced to wear a polo and khakis every day in high school, I couldn't wait to wear something comfortable every day. That being said, when we had a professional dinner with the people who run my scholarship, I was in a bit of a bind. So please, always make sure you pack at least one business outfit. That means something conservative, with sleeves, and in a neutral color like black, khaki, or navy. For shoes, make sure they are closed in both the front and back. You never know when you'll need it. This one is from Banana Republic and can be found here !
4. Baking/Cooking Supplies
Dining hall food is, well, dining hall food. Sooner or later, you're going to crave something that's not going to be found in the hall. Or maybe it will be your friends birthday and you want to make a cake! Regardless, stock up on a couple basic cooking supplies like a bowl, a pan, a large spoon, and an oven mitt.
5. Important Cards
Before you leave make sure you make copies of all of your important documents, like your social security card (try to memorize the number), drivers license, vehicle registration (if you're taking your card), and birth certificate. I guarantee you'll need it! I'll show you how I organize mine later in the week.
Did I forget anything important? What was something you wish you brought?
Infinite x's and o's,