
Office Candy Flavor of the Week: Academic Planner

By Unknown - 5:46 AM

Other Academic Planner "Flavors"

Do you know someone who is unorganized? What about someone who has trouble with remembering things or paying attention? Or, do you know someone who has the potential to be an amazing student but just needs a little help? 

This week on Office Candy, we are showcasing an item that could help solve some of these major student problems.

These academic planners are unlike any other planners you might have seen before. They were specially designed for students with ADHD so they are broken down in a way that I have never seen before. 

Bright Waves Academic Planner - Interior

Each month is displayed in calender format with a corresponding notes page. This is ideal for documenting when tests, quizzes, and projects are due. In the back you can see the subject page peeking out with a page for a student's schedule. 

Academic Planner Interior with Tips

However, what is really unique about these planners is the user guide. This planner actually teaches you how to use it easily and effectively. Each class has it's own column in which you can record homework, tests, and assignments in each group. Then, time slots are broken down at the bottom of the page to record extra-curricular activities and homework and study time. This teaches students effective time management skills!

These one-of-a-kind academic planners can be found for $18 here, but score free shipping and a 10% discount with code 10117.

Infinite x's and o's,

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