
2015: The Year of More.

By Unknown - 8:47 AM

Can you believe it? It's already 2015. I feel like before my eyes I watched the days of 2014 slip through my fingertips. It feels like just yesterday we were watching the ball drop and the lights of 2014 were glowing with promise and opportunity. What a great year 2014 has been. I had so many amazing things happen that I'm so grateful for. My freshman swim season ended in late January with lots of success for the team and myself.  I met so many more friends at school. I attended the Commencement Ball. I presented at an expo about my anti-bullying volunteer work with local elementary schools. My entire family went on a summer vacation to the Outer Banks together for a week. I rekindled a broken friendship. I got a job as a bartender (which I love!). I truly started working on my blog. I partnered with the amazing company, Office Candy (seriously go spend your Christmas money here!). And most importantly, I took a lot of time to focus on myself as a person.

2014 brought a lot of growth for me. For the first time ever, I took the time to focus on what it is that I really want. Believe it or not, I figured myself out a little bit. I found out that I love New York City and I want to live there as long as humanly possible. I love fashion and dressing myself and others in a way that flatters and makes us radiant. I love reading endless amounts of books, snuggled up in faux fur blankets, with candles burning. I love listening to music on a vinyl record player and taking silly pictures on polaroid cameras. I love animals of all kinds, and I would love to have a cat while I'm single in the city and a dog when I eventually have a family. Most importantly, I want nothing more in life than to be a writer.

With that being said, 2015 is sparkling with promise and opportunity to me. There are so many things I want to do and places I want to see. So instead of making a new years resolution, I'm committing to one thing: more. I want to do more and see more and be more. I want to travel to more places and try more food and talk to more people. I want to work more and write more and volunteer more. I want to be more nice, more fun, more endearing. I want to take every day and make it a little something extra. I might not be able to commit to a set in stone resolution, but I can commit to more.

infinite x's and o's,

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