I got my first guitar when I was in the sixth grade after I fell in love with Taylor Swift. Since then, my guitar collection has expanded to a humble family of 3 that I love messing around with when I'm having a bad day.
2. I don't have a passport
This fact is actually one that terrifies me. I can't wait to get a passport and start traveling more. More details on this soon. The top of my travel list includes Ireland and Greece!
3. I can't sleep in past 8 am
I'm not sure if it's just being wired as a morning person or some kind of sleep issue, but I literally can't sleep past 8 am no matter how late I go to bed!
4. I want to write a children's book
One of my biggest dreams is to publish literature. First on my bucket list is to write a children's book, although I still do not have any story concepts! Hopefully that will change soon.
5. I love watching Vlogs
Being that I work alone a lot, I love having some kind of audio on that I can listen to while I am home alone. I've recently gotten super into vlogs and have binge watched videos. Some of my favorites are Kalyn Nicholson, Tori Steerling, and Sarah's Day.
6. I want to have a yellow house when I am all grown up.
There's something about yellow houses that make me inexplicably happy. When I'm a grown up, I want to live in a yellow house with lots of plants outside and a cute mailbox (these are actual things I day dream about).
7. I recently started to learn how to cook.
Being that I just graduated college, I never had the opportunity (or motivation) to learn how to cook. Now that I graduated, I cook all the time. I love learning new things, and cooking has recently become something very therapeutic for me. It's so much fun to cook in the house when I'm alone and blast some music and just let my mind wander.
8. I'm extremely particular when it comes to details
Everything in my house has a home in which they are situated. When a pillow is askew or the remotes strewn across the table I go into full OCD mode! I am extremely detail oriented and can be really picky about everything from outfits to foods to pretty much everything else.It's a blessing and a curse.
9. I was fired once.
I tried SO hard not to cry when it happened, and when I left I called my mom and sobbed in the car, and then (get this), my car didn't start. While it totally sucked for the couple weeks it took me to find a new job, it taught me a lot about myself and a lot about how to treat other people.
Being that I work from home, I am alone a lot. I love animals and grew up with a puppy whom I adore. However, recently, I've really been dying to get a little puppy of my own here in New York. I really want a small boy puppy and name him Rigs, after Tim Riggins!
What are some interesting facts about you?