
Revamping the Blog: Why I Chose to Start Writing Again

By Unknown - 1:30 AM

Hi, everyone.

My name is Kylee and I'm so glad you're here.

You might have been here from the beginning,  when I blogged religiously. When my life schedule revolved around getting pen to paper, or rather fingers to keypad, typing away my thoughts, life, and experiences. If that is you, welcome back.

You might have not known I blogged before. Maybe you stumbled across this page on accident. Maybe you are simply curious. If that is you, welcome.

I've been blogging since I was in high school. I always found comfort in writing, putting pen to paper, and sending it out to some great unknown. But suddenly, I stopped. I'm not sure if other areas of my life had me too busy, or if I was overwhelmed, or if suddenly it was hard to put my life and experiences into writing. But all of the sudden, a major part of me was gone.

I just graduated college in May and finding my place in the adult world has been an interesting transition. It's scary to now be 23 and to be stubborn, but I am also so very lucky. I have a job that is my whole world. I get to have experiences that have changed my life forever. I live in a city that I adore. I take risks. I have amazing people in my world. I have a safe and warm space. And yet, it felt like something was missing. It felt like there was some great variable that my entire realm of happiness relied on that was murky and unclear. I constantly described it as feeling 'off' or 'tired' or some other adjective that didn't fully capture exactly what I was feeling.

But I realized the only thing that helped me really capture how I was feeling was words, whether they were being strung together by someone else or if I was writing them.

So I've decided to start writing again, toying around with a hobby that makes me feel happy, and calm, and excited, and understood. I've decided to use this as my outlet to reflect, share, dream, and do. I've made this my way to reflect and to be held accountable. 

I somehow dubbed the year of 23 as the year of being bold. I roll my eyes at the dramatics of that last sentence, but it's true. I want to be bold. And wear bold. And love bold. I want to be loud, I want to rediscover, I want to be brazen enough the write the words that make me feel like throwing a fist in the air and exhale a long reserved sigh. I want to take stupid pictures where ever I am because I'll only be 23 for so long and then 23 fades away just like 22 did and sometimes I want to hold onto moments forever.  I want to love myself and the world bolder than ever before.  I want to wear bold, dark lipstick and smile because I'm genuinely, truly the happiest I have ever been. That deserves a smile if I do say so myself.

Welcome to my next adventure. I am so glad you're here.

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