My dream just came true.
On November 13, 2017 I had the opportunity to meet my lord and savior Taylor Swift.
There was a lot that happened behind the scenes of making this happen, but I'm not sure how much I am able to share. Long story short, Taylor Nation reached out to me via twitter with little to no information about attending an event and no information about her attending!

Me and Taylor's Dad, Scott
When I did find out we were meeting Taylor, I had a complete breakdown to the point where I was walking in circles and hyperventilating.

Posing on T's throne
We were then separated by color wristbands. Because we had white ones, we were in the second group. We stood in a huge line and waited to meet her. She was sectioned off behind a black curtain, so when you met her, it was only you, her, and a photographer.
I took a deep breathe and walked in. She jumped over to me and gave me a huge, wrapped up hug -- the kind that squeezes your broken pieces back together. Then she started touching and playing with my hair.

"THIS!" She exclaimed, examining the purple. "I'm loving this! You're SUCH a babe!"
I started laughing, both because I was super nervous and because TAYLOR SWIFT called ME a babe. In what world did I ever think that would happen.
She then gave Matt a hug and I took a second to look down in my hands. I had brought with me two pictures. One of me and Taylor from 2011, and one of a little girl named Karma who battled cancer almost all of her life and passed away in September. Karma is my purple hair, unicorn obsessed, Taylor Swift loving soul sister and meeting Taylor was on her bucket list. When we were invited to the event, Matt told me we should definitely bring a picture of Karma -- just in case Taylor did come.
I showed Taylor the picture and said something along the lines of, "I work with kids with pediatric cancer, and this is my friend Karma. She adored you and the song 'Welcome to New York'. Meeting you was on her bucket list. She just passed away in September, and her family has been continuing her bucket list for her and I just feel like this is happening right now because of her -- because we had to cross the item off with her."
She put one hand on her chest over her heart and looked right into my eyes and said, "wow, thank you. Thank you for doing that and bringing me her picture. Thank you for doing what you do. I know how hard it is to do that and get so attached to the kids. Thank you. Thank you."
Starting to get emotional, I blurted out, "it's because of you. You inspired me to do this. After the hospital videos and Ronan -- I work with Maya's foundation now and they're amazing. Thank you for inspiring me."
"She is amazing! Isn't she?" She said back.

"I also brought this picture of us." I showed her the yellowed picture and she examined it.
"This isn't from LA, right?" she replied.
"No, it's from the Wonderstruck perfume meet and greet here in NYC. Back in 2011!"
"Oh my god!" She exclaimed "We were baaaaaaaabies!!!! Thank you for sticking by me so long! I really appreciate that!"
And there is where I began to really loose it.
"Of course," I laughed nervously again. She threw her arms around me and Matt for the picture.
"Would we be able to hold this in the picture?" I asked holding up the throwback picture of us.
"Of course!" She exclaimed. "SO cute!"
They took a quick picture and I realized the moment I had been waiting for for the last six years was almost over. She gave me one last big hug and said, "I love you guys so much!"

Taylor's the QUEEN of my heart :))))
So that's my story -- and I have come to a point where I realize everything I had been waiting for happened. Hopefully, one day Taylor and I can sit down with a glass of wine and talk about all the things I think about talking about on a daily basis.
But until then, I'll continue to blast Reputation on repeat and think about the hug that made my life a whole lot better.