
Day 1 of 13 Days of K: Update on my 101 in 1001

By Unknown - 2:00 PM

Hi everyone!

Welcome to the first day of K! I am so excited (and a little bit stressed) to do this this year!

To kick off the extravaganza, I started with a pretty inspirational post; an update on my 101 in 1001. Almost two years ago (wow), I saw this really awesome post by Kimberly Kong called the Day Zero project. Basically, the goal is to create a list of 101 things you want to do in 1001 days. Just like her, I italicize goals currently in progress and bold tasks are completed.

Being that my 1001 is over in a little under a year, I decided to post an update here!

If you decide to do the challenge, leave your link to your list in my comments. I would love to read it!

read more about the day zero project here!

  1. Visit an art museum

  2. Graduate college
  3. Hit 10k on Instagram (follow along: @kyleelauren)
  4. Run a 5k
  5. Make a difference

  6. Save $5,000
  7. Get a passport
  8. Rent an apartment.
  9. Create a pretty graduation cap.
  10. Travel somewhere new
  11. Learn to cook a signature dish
  12. Get A Moment of Magic adopted by 5 new universities. (13/5)

  13. See a professional basketball game.
  14. Meet over 5,000 kids through A Moment of Magic
  15. Create a family recipe book.
  16. Pay a strangers bill at a fast food restaurant and challenge them to pass it on.

  17. Dance on a table (It's okay to be that girl before I graduate just once, right?)
  18. Go on a totally unplanned road trip.

  19. Meet a celebrity.
  20. Buy silverware.
  21. Write a letter to Taylor Swift.
  22. Go to a winery.
  23. Take a kickboxing class.
  24. Have breakfast at Tiffany's.
  25. Rock a romper (I love them, but am so uneasy about trying them)
  26. Adopt a pet.
  27. Squat 250 pounds.
  28. Get a piece of my work published.

  29. Go on a hike (and take a subsequent picture at the top)
  30. Start my 401(k)
  31. Invest in a stock.
  32. Educate myself on the 2016 election.
  33. Pay off my credit card bill.
  34. Read 50 new books (27/50)
  35. Decorate a kitchen.
  36. Get a 4.0
  37. Make $500 in one night of bartending.
  38. Watch a movie on a roof.

  39. Do a Make-a-Wish event.
  40. Hold A Moment of Magic conference.
  41. Get an office.
  42. Take a picture with Disney's Elsa.
  43. Purchase my first pair of designer heels.
  44. Send my parents on a vacation.
  45. Take out books from the library and leave a handwritten note inside them when I return them.
  46. Get a job I'm really proud of.
  47. Take a yoga class
  48. Take a bath with a bath bomb.
  49. Travel out of the country.
  50. Go to a wedding.
  51. Swim with a dolphin.
  52. Coach someone to a personal best.
  53. Learn how to change a tire.
  54. Spend an entire day getting pampered.
  55. Create a piece of art.

  56. Go paddle boarding.

  57. Post a makeup tutorial.
  58. Rid myself of negative people around me.
  59. Have a piece of jewelry created personally for me
  60. Spend all day in bed watching movies.
  61. Don't say anything negative for three days.
  62. Watch the sunrise and sunset in the same day.
  63. Get in the habit of doing 100 squats every day (booty goals, obviously)
  64. Start a pressed flower notebook.
  65. Buy something beautiful at a flea market.

  66. Create a living space that I love.
  67. Get organized.
  68. Buy monogrammed towels.

  69. Go to a concert.
  70. Jump off a cliff.
  71. Do five pull ups.
  72. Become more confident.
  73. Make a cross stitch for someone I love.

  74. Buy a record player and my favorite records on vinyl.
  75. Have a picnic.
  76. Take more pictures.
  77. Write a children's book.

  78. Buy myself a bouquet of flowers.
  79. Find the perfect red lipstick.
  80. Visit Ireland.
  81. Go for a run on the beach.
  82. Create my own candle.
  83. Wear a gown.
  84. Go on a midnight date.
  85. Spend an entire day in the city with no plans.
  86. Redesign my blog.
  87. Grow out my hair
  88. Create a creative detox water recipe
  89. Drive a quad
  90. Go to a 4th of July Party
  91. Ride a pink bicycle
  92. Go surfing
  93. Visit an aquarium.
  94. Take a picture in front of Cinderella's castle.
  95. Write out more thank you notes.
  96. Plant a tree.
  97. Stand up for something I believe in.

  98. Create a life that revolves around kindness and health.
  99. Take a photo of as many tasks as possible.
  100.  Put $1 away for every task I complete.
  101. Create another list to complete after I finish this one.

Start date: January 2nd, 2016 || End date: September 28th, 2018

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