
Day 11 of the 13 Days of K: 17 Things to Leave in 2017

By Unknown - 2:00 PM

Hi everyone!

Happy 11th day of K! It's almost over -- so that means Christmas is almost here!

With 2018 around the corner, I've been thinking a lot lately what the new year means, what I want to leave behind, and what I want to do to move forward. The optimism of the new year is so invigorating to me -- between the fresh start, the sending off of things done, and lessons learned in the last year. For me, I've always been someone who tends to hold on to things too long. I hold on to clothing, mementos, feelings, and relationships faded many times over. But these are the things I'm letting go.

1. Old Makeup

I have an awful habit of accumulating makeup, free samples, and gifted items and never using them. Not only is this awful for my storage system, but it's also kind of gross because makeup expires. Before 2018, I'll be ripping through my makeup and beauty products and scrapping things that don't make the cut.

2. Clothes you never wear
I've gotten a little bit better about this in 2017, but I still have a long way to go. In 2018, I'm going to be ruthless about the items I keep in my closet. There are too many things I quite simply just don't wear. I'll be posting all of my gently used items here on letgo, so make sure to shop my closet.

3. Worn out towels, blankets, pillows, etc
I have one green, ugly blanket that I've had since maybe 2005. It's been my security blanket for so long that I'm having a really hard time giving away, but I'm thinking 2018 might be the time to let this tired blanket go. Along with that, I'm clearing out pillows that are overused, blankets with holes, and towels that have seen better days. Any items still in good condition will be donated, the rest will be recycled!

4. Unfinished phone contacts
Another one of my bad habits is not saving phone contacts. I have random numbers accrued throughout my messages I have to make a mission to save into my contacts.

5. Random buttons, screws, cords, etc
I have random buttons, screws, cords, knick-knacks, and things laying all over my house. I am clearing out my junk drawers and getting rid of anything unnecessary.

6. Impulse Buying
Now-a-days, there is a way to buy everything a little bit cheaper. In 2018, I'm trying to leave impulse buying in the past and make sure to use a coupon, savings app, or rebates to get the most bang for my buck.

7. Food/Workout Guilt
I've written about this before, but I've struggled with body image issues for a long time. I don't know if that will ever be something I get over. But one thing I am trying to do on my road to healthy, is to stop my food/workout guilt. There are points of my life where I legitimately make myself feel guilty for not working out, or eating a cookie, or something else entirely trivial -- which makes me want to do the bad thing even more to wallow in self pity. Because I am going to be focusing much more on getting my body and mind back where I want it to be next year, I hopefully won't have many moments like this. But if I do, I want to try to remind myself to give myself a break every now and again. I'm only human.

8. Things (or people) that make you feel bad about you
There are certain things (or people) that we know we can interact with and suddenly our self esteem plummets. In 2018, I think we all need to leave those things and people behind. Let's focus on things that make us feel good, not bad.

9. Being late
In my mind, there isn't much else that is as rude as being late. It's something that gives me extreme anxiety if I'm late. This year, I'm setting all my clocks fast and padding all my travel with more time so I can keep the tardiness to a minimum.

10. Excuses 
There's only 24 hours in the day. That means theres limited time to workout, work, eat, clean, organize, socialize, and relax. Because of that, I am so motivated to take 2018 minute by minute and stretch out every possible second I can. I want to start waking up early to go to the gym. I want to take 10 minutes every night to do something menial to relax. I want to work smarter, not harder and that means cut the excuses.

11. Comparing yourself
We scroll through our social media dozens of times every single day. Every single time I do, I can literally feel my self-confidence drop. Why? Because I'm comparing the me that's in the same thing I slept in, with unbrushed hair, acne, stretch marks, and legs I only half shaved to someone's perfectly smoothed, filtered, cleverly captioned highlight reel. Enough is enough. Inspiration is one thing. Comparison is another.

12. Waiting
I've waited for plans to be made, or motivation to strike, or a sense of feeling suddenly, miraculously inspired or just simply ready and I have missed out. Enough is enough. When I know what I want (and maybe sometimes if I don't), I'm done waiting for the perfect moment. Just do it now. 

13. Responding right now
I know this one seems like a bit of a contradiction, but stay with me. There are certain times that we should act on instinct, and other times we should think our answers over. In 2018, I'm putting much less pressure on myself to solve all problems at this very moment and let the hard ones sink in a little longer to mull over. 

14. Grudges 
Those toxic people were cutting out? We're cutting out the grudges too. Let's live a life that's light and positive.

15. Easy Fixes
No easy fix is meant to last and no knock off can ever compare to the real deal. The stuff worth having is the stuff worth actually working for. 

16. Taking things too seriously

17. Your comfort zone
The things that make us feel comfortable and safe often don't help us grow. This year, I'm challenging myself to travel more, go to more networking events, take more risks, and just go for it.

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