
Fitness Friday: My Current Fitness Routine

By Unknown - 2:00 PM

Hi everyone!

We are 12 days into January already! If you're like me, being more active was one of my New Year's Resolutions. One week in, I felt super motivated and ready to smash any goals I had. Now, in week two I had a little bit of a harder time getting myself out of bed at 6 am. I'm looking into new ways to keep myself motivated, and one way to hold myself accountable. Some ways I've been staying motivated is by sharing my journey via snapchat and instagram, using the buddy system creating a rewards system, competing against myself, and taking progress pictures (but more about that in another post).

For 2018, I want to create a fitness routine that holds myself accountable but is also flexible with my current lifestyle. Matt and I have been waking up and working out almost everyday at 6 am (and the times we don't we usually meet up after work at the gym). I'm aiming to get to the gym between 3-5 times a week, understanding that sometimes my busy lifestyle (and unfortunately the influx of migraines I've been having) can limit going above that. But I've been trying to hold myself to a higher standard and reach 4 or 5 times.

 I've been utilizing the app Couch to 5k for my cardio 3 times a week. For me, running three times a week is a huge deal. Running has always made me feel miserable and insecure, but this app has made me feel so incredibly motivated even though running isn't my strongest skill. I love the app because I can track my progress manually on the app, but can also feel my cardio abilities being strengthened.

The other days of the week, I'm aiming to get back into weight lifting. I still haven't found an app or workout plan that I love yet, but hopefully I'll be able to get to finding my niche soon with some kind of combination of HIIT workouts and lifting. I want to get (some of) my abs back, re-firm my legs and butt, and tone my arms.

I would also love to add one or two classes a week. I've done everything from barre classes to yoga to zumba to cycling to kickboxing. I've loved all of them and how much they've brought out my competitive side in the past. I'm going to be scoping around for some classes that are affordable in my area, and hopefully I'll find one for February.

Overall, I've found that working out has helped reduce my anxiety, has made me more productive, and made me more self confident. Those three things mean more to me than an extra hour of sleep any day.

Some products to spice up your workout.

What kind of workouts are you into?

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