It's here! It's 2018! Are you ready to live the best year of your life? Me too! Here are some resolutions I'm making to get there.
Travel to new places
One of my 2018 goals is to travel to new and exciting places. Matt and I already have a trip to Nashville in the works, but there are so many places on my list that I want to travel to and I want to make 2018 the first dent in that list.
Sell off and donate some of my clothes
I've gotten SO much better at the way I purchase clothes. I rarely purchase new clothes, and if I do, I know that I will definitely get my use out of them. Gone are the days of me buying anything sparkly or pink, as now most of my closet is entirely made up of neutrals I can style up or down. Knowing that I'm moving in April has made getting rid of some unworn clothes even higher of a priority on my radar. I'm selling all of my gently worn (or brand new) clothes here!

Move into a new apartment and make it home
Like I mentioned, I will be moving into a new apartment in April. This is my 6th new place in the last 4 years between moving dorm rooms and apartments. I'm hoping this one is my last for a little while. I'm looking forward to scoping out new neighborhoods and building my new home from the ground up.
Learn new skills
One of my biggest fears in life is becoming stuck. I think one of the only ways to make sure that doesn't happen is to constantly look for new ways to improve. I will be scoping out some free classes to find new things to learn, from photography, to painting, to grant writing.
Take deep breaths instead of getting overwhelmed
I'm easily overwhelmed. I put a lot on my plate and when I can't seem to find my groove or get organized, it can be easy for me to break down. That's definitely something I want to leave in 2017. This year, I am going to try to avoid getting overwhelmed by organized but because I know at some point I will hit a wall. This year, instead of breaking down, I want to work on taking deep breaths, regrouping my thoughts, and pushing on.
Find a workout routine
One of my goals is to not just workout, but to find a workout routine. Right now I'm using the Couch to 5k app as my cardio routine, and it's helped me so much! I use to hate running. It would make me feel miserable, insecure, and out of shape. But Couch to 5k has gotten me from running nothing, to running about 10 miles a week! I am now on the search for a weight lifting program that could be somewhat similar.
Committing to a 20 minute de-stress routine at night
Every night I want to have a 20 minute de-stress routine that doesn't include any technology. I want to have a whole wash my face, brush my teeth, play some sudoku, and use my humidifier to prep myself for a good night's rest.
Sleep More
Speaking of sleep, one of my 2018 goals is to sleep more. I struggle with sleep a lot, rarely getting enough and then crashing with a migraine. One of my goals is to get more, and better, sleep.
Set up a password manager
I have the worst habit of forgetting my passwords to anything and everything. One of my 2018 goals is to get organized and keep a password manager so I never forget a password again.
Automate my savings and bills
Every month direct deposit hits. Before I even see a dime, I want to set up an automatic payment and savings transaction to make sure I'm making the most of my money before blowing it on ordering take out or an overpriced lyft while simultaneously setting up my savings and improving my credit score.
What are your 2018 resolutions?

I'm easily overwhelmed. I put a lot on my plate and when I can't seem to find my groove or get organized, it can be easy for me to break down. That's definitely something I want to leave in 2017. This year, I am going to try to avoid getting overwhelmed by organized but because I know at some point I will hit a wall. This year, instead of breaking down, I want to work on taking deep breaths, regrouping my thoughts, and pushing on.
Find a workout routine
One of my goals is to not just workout, but to find a workout routine. Right now I'm using the Couch to 5k app as my cardio routine, and it's helped me so much! I use to hate running. It would make me feel miserable, insecure, and out of shape. But Couch to 5k has gotten me from running nothing, to running about 10 miles a week! I am now on the search for a weight lifting program that could be somewhat similar.
Committing to a 20 minute de-stress routine at night
Every night I want to have a 20 minute de-stress routine that doesn't include any technology. I want to have a whole wash my face, brush my teeth, play some sudoku, and use my humidifier to prep myself for a good night's rest.
Sleep More
Speaking of sleep, one of my 2018 goals is to sleep more. I struggle with sleep a lot, rarely getting enough and then crashing with a migraine. One of my goals is to get more, and better, sleep.
Set up a password manager
I have the worst habit of forgetting my passwords to anything and everything. One of my 2018 goals is to get organized and keep a password manager so I never forget a password again.
Automate my savings and bills
Every month direct deposit hits. Before I even see a dime, I want to set up an automatic payment and savings transaction to make sure I'm making the most of my money before blowing it on ordering take out or an overpriced lyft while simultaneously setting up my savings and improving my credit score.
What are your 2018 resolutions?

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