Create a schedule
I know it sounds a bit lame, but designating one day to meal prep, one day to laundry, and one day to sweep and dust helps make getting organized much more approachable. I know that I take forever to do my laundry, so it's better for me to do it during the day while my roommates aren't here. Sunday nights are my meal prep nights and Sunday afternoons are my days to deep clean. What works best for you?
Clean the clutter
The worst thing about being unorganized is random clutter everywhere. From junk mail to empty pens, random junk accumulates everywhere. My best tip is to pick a small area where lots of junk gets stored (random closets, drawers, on coffee tables) and start trashing stuff. Be ruthless in what you throw away, store what you need somewhere safe, and clean out the clutter.
Sort your computer
You know that important file you named SDJFLSJDlsakk or the eight grade report you still have saved? Think about all the time you waste looking for files that you mislabeled amongst all the files you don't need. Clean out your files and then back them up. Your future 'my-computer-just-erased-everything' will thank you.
Be Ruthless
Like I said before, being ruthless is imperative to having a clutter free home. Things that are small and sentimental, like movie tickets or random souvenirs might be sweet but they can make this look a bit messy. Toss them.
Check the experation
Food, cleaning products, makeup -- they can all gather up and the more new stuff we push to the front, the more old stuff that sits in the back aging without being used. Check the expiration date and toss anything that is no longer good to clear out your shelves.
Deep Dive into Your Closet
I have so many clothes in my closet that I just no longer wear. Whether they don't fit well or if I'm just tired of them, those clothes are just sitting and taking up space in my closet. Every season I take a bunch of clothes I no longer wear and drop them off to donate!
Schedule Those Appointments
If you're anything like me, you avoid making appointments like it's no one's business. However, when all your prescriptions expire, your passport is void, and your license is suspended you will be in a pickle. Dedicate one week to bust out all your appointments, so then you don't have to worry about it for the next year.
Get a Planner
Buy a planner, and more importantly, use it! Write down those important dates, to do tasks, and general needed information. Carry it with you so you can coordinate your social life, work life, and everything in between. If you actually know where you're going and when, it will help you feel less anxious and more put together.
Clean your car
I have an awful habit of letting things get crazy in my car. From empty water bottles to random lipsticks shoved in my front compartments, my car can become a total disaster and completely stress me out. Once the weather warms up, the first thing I'll be doing is a full cleaning of my car to help myself feel less stressed on those super long work trips and more relaxed.
Be Practical
Will you actually keep your clothes in rainbow order? Will you remember to neatly tuck each phone cord into a designated spot in the morning? My biggest organization struggle is setting myself up for failure. Sometimes trying to be extra organized is just too much. For me, I know there's no point to color coding my t-shirts because by the middle of the week I'll be digging through a pile for the one all the way at the bottom. So get organized, but be realistic. Organize your space in a way that fits your flow, and go from there.
Do you have any organization tips? I would love to hear them! Leave them below!

Be Ruthless
Like I said before, being ruthless is imperative to having a clutter free home. Things that are small and sentimental, like movie tickets or random souvenirs might be sweet but they can make this look a bit messy. Toss them.
Check the experation
Food, cleaning products, makeup -- they can all gather up and the more new stuff we push to the front, the more old stuff that sits in the back aging without being used. Check the expiration date and toss anything that is no longer good to clear out your shelves.
Deep Dive into Your Closet
I have so many clothes in my closet that I just no longer wear. Whether they don't fit well or if I'm just tired of them, those clothes are just sitting and taking up space in my closet. Every season I take a bunch of clothes I no longer wear and drop them off to donate!
Schedule Those Appointments
If you're anything like me, you avoid making appointments like it's no one's business. However, when all your prescriptions expire, your passport is void, and your license is suspended you will be in a pickle. Dedicate one week to bust out all your appointments, so then you don't have to worry about it for the next year.
Get a Planner
Clean your car
I have an awful habit of letting things get crazy in my car. From empty water bottles to random lipsticks shoved in my front compartments, my car can become a total disaster and completely stress me out. Once the weather warms up, the first thing I'll be doing is a full cleaning of my car to help myself feel less stressed on those super long work trips and more relaxed.
Be Practical
Will you actually keep your clothes in rainbow order? Will you remember to neatly tuck each phone cord into a designated spot in the morning? My biggest organization struggle is setting myself up for failure. Sometimes trying to be extra organized is just too much. For me, I know there's no point to color coding my t-shirts because by the middle of the week I'll be digging through a pile for the one all the way at the bottom. So get organized, but be realistic. Organize your space in a way that fits your flow, and go from there.
Do you have any organization tips? I would love to hear them! Leave them below!

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