This or That: BOYS Dorm Room Edition
By Unknown - 6:05 AM

Let me start this post by saying that this is one of the hardest posts I had to create. Literally. I was asked about how to decorate a boy's dorm room after I posted about decorating a girls dorm room (that post can be found here!). I literally stared at this "blank dorm room" for twenty minutes. Decorate for a girl? Easy. Decorate for a boy? Oh gosh. Try to get into the head of a teenage boy. Go ahead. I dare you. So with this I tried to create a room that I could see myself living in. You know. If I was a guy.
The first item on the desk is this super unique alarm clock. This beech wood alarm clock can tell you the time, date, and temperature. The lighted numbers will turn off whenever the room is quiet, but will light up when the alarm goes off or when someone claps their hands! You can buy it here!
The second is something that I think most guys going away from home would enjoy, but never admit to. Schools obviously don't allow dogs or cats in dorm rooms, but they do allow fish and lizards.
The last item on the desk are Brunstfield Links Bookends Set. These vintage looking bookends put the perfect amount of jock and prep together to hold all of the books your student needs neatly on his desk. You paid a lot for those books, now you can decorate with them too. here!
With this super cool pillow, guys can mark their territory in their own way. This eco friendly pillow is by Alexandra Freguson. It's the easiest way to get a throw pillow into your guy's room without using the phrase "throw pillow" here!
Let's be real. Most teenage guys are messy. I get that because I can be pretty messy too. But the thing is, rater than leave my dirty clothes all over the floor, I shove them into my pretty laundry basket. This basket is attractive (don't say pretty about anything involving accessories for a guy's room unless you don't want them to accessorize with it) and functional. It can be found here or at TJ Maxx for a lot less.
Above the desk is a motivational phrase made famous by inspiration coach, Lou Holtz. This hand signed, wooden framed memento is the perfect piece of cool to add to a boy's dorm room. It can be found right here! This one is a bit expensive because it is hand signed, but any vintage-y looking poster in a cheap frame will do!
Last, is one of the coolest items in the set. This bear head is for more than just decoration. This wall mounted forest creature is also a super functional beer bottle opener. So it opens "bear bottles". Tell me that's not funny. I dare you. Obviously, this is for boys 21 and over. They can buy it here!
Obviously this room was created solely from my imagination. See how the guys in your life feel about it. Focus on what they really like, what makes them feel comfortable, and what makes them feel at home. That's the key to success.
What are you decorating your boys room with?
Infinite x's and o's,