
5 Ways to Give Back This Week!

By Unknown - 2:00 PM

Hi everyone!

Can you believe it? January is almost done! We are 1/12 of the way through 2018? Isn't that crazy! These days time is flying by and I'm doing everything I can to make the most of it.

What does making the most of your time mean to you? Have you been working hard and trying new things? Have you taken some time to take in the world around you? Have you given back to someone who needs it?

This week, I'm making that super easy. Here are 5 super simple ways to give back and make the world a little bit better!

1. Donate Your Gently Used Clothes

How many clothes do you have in your closet that you just don't wear? If you're like me, WAY too many. This week I will be dropping off three bags of gently used clothes at the local GreenDrop. Green Drop converts lightly used clothing and household items into critical funds for great American charities. Clean out your closet and give back!

 2. Donate Food, One Click at a Time with Charity Tap 

Want to make a big difference in your free time? You know those days when you're super bored and just mindlessly scroll through Instagram for way too long. Swap out one or two of those session a day and play Charity Tap (iOS) instead. Every time that you tap the bowl on the screen, Charity Tap donates a single grain of rice to a person in need. Lots of tapping certainly does add up. The app relies on revenue from the ads you'll see during your tapping frenzy to support the World Food Programme. At the top of the screen, you'll see a running count of the grains of rice your taps have donated, along with a meter that measures your taps per second. Get tapping! 

 3. Donate to your local Animal Shelter Through WoofTrax 

Did you know that just by walking your puppy, you can help an animal in need? WoofTrax' Walk for a Dog (Android and iOS) app lets you raise money for your favorite animal organization while you walk your dog. When you sign up, choose the charity of your choice, enter your dog's information, and start walking! The longer you walk, the more money you'll raise!

 4. Donate Your Time Through Volunteer Match

Feel like giving back some of your time to a local organization, but don't know where to start? VolunteerMatch is definitely the way to go. All you have to do is download the app, search your location and find a position that speaks to you! 

 5. Have a night out for a great cause! 

 I am so excited that A Moment of Magic will be hosting our first annual gala in September 2018. What does that mean for you? For just $100 you can spend a night drinking, dancing, eating, and raising money for a good cause. Plus, I can actually meet YOU in person (expect lots of hugs and sparkles :) ) Purchase a ticket here!

What are you going to do to give back this week?

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