The end of the semester is usually a stressful and chaotic time for everyone. By the time the holidays roll around, I'm usually mentally and physically exhausted. Studying for finals revolves around me studying until the early hours of the morning, eating in a way that isn't nourishing my body, and basically running myself into the ground.
It took me to walk away from the stress and relax a little to realize how damaging what I have been doing is to my wellbeing. Far too often, I get easily caught up in the stressful part of my life that I tend to neglect my body and mental state.
As someone who loves indulgence and the promise of a new year, I've decided that the year of 2016 will be the one of treating myself. While it may not be the treating yourself our society is used to (aka splurging on frivolous things at every chance you get or wallowing in excess), I want to make sure I am rewarding myself for working hard and stay motivated. Here are a couple examples of how I am going to do that.

Action: Working hard for two weeks to get an A on a huge paper or test
Reward: Buying my favorite candle, some coffee, or new office supplies.
Studying is something that always stresses me out. In order to alleviate some of that stress, I try to start preparing as early as possible. Personally, I like studying in my dorm room at my desk with all of my colorful supplies right in front of me. I like perfectly sharpened pencils, dim lighting, a large cup of coffee, and a candle burning. Putting in a lot of time with your books outside the classroom will pay off big time once you take your test or hand in your paper. Not only will the A be a reward, but spending some money on things that will add to your study environment will pay off later.

Hustle Pencils || $2.00+
Starbucks Roast || $8.99
Marshmallow Candle || $23.00
Colored Pens || $24.99
Double Sided Highlighters || $12.95
Like a Boss Mug || $28.00
Gingerbread Candle || $8.99
This Just In Sticky Notes || $20.00
Starbucks Coffee || $5.00
Diptyque Noisetier Mini Candle || $32.00
Action: Getting to the gym everyday for a month.
Reward: Spending a Sunday night watching Netflix or new workout gear.

Going to the gym can be fun, but it can also feel like another chore on a to-do list. Getting there everyday and pushing yourself to your limit day in and day out is so rewarding in itself for your health and body. While a lot of people suggest using a food reward system, that makes me uncomfortable. I see food as fuel, not a reward system. For me, working out for "x amount" of time does not mean that I get to eat "y amount" of calories. But it does mean that I will feel more confident each time I come out of the weight room. Wearing clothes that make me feel good as I work out helps me work harder. Rewarding myself with a Sunday night in bed watching Netflix gives my body some time to recover.
Tank Top || $20.00
Sports Bra || $17.00
Water Bottle || $30.00
Action: Six months of hard work at your job and saving your paychecks.
Reward: Splurging on one big thing.

This semester I worked an awesome job with a publishing company and bar tending. Each paycheck I brought home was split into two, fifty percent went into my checking accounts and fifty percent went into my savings account. A lot of the money is my savings account is going towards my apartment for the summer, but I did decide to take the plunge and splurge big time on a spring break vacation. I am so excited to be going to Disney World with my best friend (hi, Maggie!). This semester I will be saving up to splurge on an apartment for the summer. What will you be saving up for? Here are some of my ideas (one at every price point).
Wine and Chocolate Tasting || $15
Trip to Iceland || $800Massage and Sauna || $60
Whatever you decide to do to treat yourself, just remember, it doesn't have to be expensive or luxurious. Sometimes all you need is five minutes to remind yourself how strong you are and how far you will go.
infinite x's and o's,