
50+ FREE Phone Wall Papers

By Unknown - 2:00 PM

Hi everyone!

Can you believe it! We're officially in the New Year! 2017 flew by in the blink of an eye. I've been taking a lot of time to reflect on this last year, the highest of highs and some valleys of lows.

During that reflection, and being that I'm away from my apartment, I've began to start doing some cleanup to prep for the New Year. I've organized files and photos on my phone and computer, reorganized my email, got a jump start on blog posts and my 2018 to-do lists and just prepped for an all around reset.

With that, I've decided to reset my phone too. I wanted to add a new, cute background to my phone to keep it looking clean and professional at all times. Below is more than 50 FREE phone backgrounds! I'll definitely be working my way through this list! Hope you love them too!

Which backgrounds are your favorite?

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