1. A Smart PhoneIf you have yet to buy a smart phone, you seriously need to reevaluate your decisions. In this day and age, there is not much a smart phone can't do. Step into 2014 and buy a smart phone already.
2. Quality Head PhonesIf you're a music lover, book lover, enjoy watching cooking tutorials on youtube, or an avid gym goer, quality head phones are a necessity. Spending five dollars on a bunch of headphones that work for a couple weeks begins to add up. Once you use a high quality set of headphones, you'll never go back. Trust me.
3. Portable Phone ChargerWhen you're on your phone as much as I am, you have tendency to rely on it's tempremental battery to last all day. Unfortunately, luck isn't always on my side. Therefore, a small portable phone charger will be the saving grace to the worst kryptonite: a dead cell phone.
4. Quality Hair AccessoriesHair is extremely fragile! I think we all forget that. From styling to dying to teasing to twisting, hair has a tendency to break. Buying a salon quality straightener, curling wand, or blow dryer will prevent some havoc on your hair. Just make sure to use a heat protectant to further the protection.
5. Calorie Counting WatchOkay, so you know you did 15 minutes of running at the gym, but how many cookies does that equal for a 0 calorie balance? With a calorie counting watch that shows the amount of calories your burning you can find out just how productive your yogalaties class is.
6. USB Flash DriveThe worst feeling in the world is writing a ten page paper then realizing that you forgot to hit save. So please, buy a USB flash drive that you could save your papers on. I save mine every 15 minutes. Unfortunately I learned this the wrong way.