The Fourth of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. Between the fireworks, the warm summer air, the shimmering sparklers, and the poolside parties, it has always made me nostalgic of my childhood as well as reminding me of the spice of summer romance.

This summer I’ve been living in New York City working for an online fashion magazine. While I love the concrete jungle, full of spontaneous jumps off the subway to go get Ladurée and random days reading in the park, I had a certain longing for Pennsylvania on Independence day.
This longing got so strong I decided to drive home in holiday traffic to surprise my family who were hosting our neighborhoods annual Fourth of July pool party.
Our day was full of cookout food, backyard games, and friends and family. I got to pick out a ton of fireworks with my mom, which basically consisted of me buying twelve boxes of sparklers and her picking out the real fireworks because big decisions give me anxiety.
A really magical thing happened. I realized that now that I’m not living at home I have become friends to my family. My sisters talk to me like both a big sister and a best friend. I can throw my feet up on the table and talk about music for hours with my dad. My mom and I giggle like we’re telling secrets in the back of a high school math class. Maybe growing up isn’t always a bad thing.

I hope your July 4th was as sparkling and full of friends and family as mine was. Tell me all about it in the comments below!

top: charlotte russe
shorts: urban outfitters
bathing suit: hollister
glasses: journey’s
shoes: country outfitters
bralette: h&m
Infinite x’s and o’s,